IDA brings peace to distressed souls ...

Prevention of Occupational and Contagious Diseases

Rampant cases of occupational diseases like Respiratory disorders, Silicosis, T.B., Manganese poisoning, Pneumoconiosis, cancer of lungs and skin problem among the community members engaged in mining activities. Contaminated surface and even ground water leading to water related diseases. Prevalence of Malaria as the abandoned mines have stored stagnant water encouraging mosquito breeding. Polluted air for inhalation due to dumping and transport activities of dusty mineral rich stones. Additionally, the income of the community has become unsustainable in the face of hazardous mining employment as daily labour and shutting down of mines after some years. IDA is committed to address this ever increasing issue through campaigning, linkage with Government agencies, community awareness along with preventive measures as best practices in mines and adjacent areas. We have reached out to 15000 families through this intervention and intend to focus strongly in future.
Presence of floating population and most importantly more than 1 lakh truckers in the area combined with mining culture has escalated the cases of HIV/AIDs and STDs. The young tribal girls are sexually exploited and catch these dreaded diseases due to unsafe sex practices and unhygienic living conditions. This spreads to the community through these young girls/women. As per an estimate more than 267 such cases were identified. IDA has made a methodical intervention to counter this situation through a project called APSHRA, (Appropriate Prevention of STI/RTI/HIV&AIDS’ in Keonjhar District of Orissa). The focus is on Improving the knowledge base, bringing a change in the attitude & risk behaviour of the target population on STI/RTI/HIV/AIDS among the target people and reducing stigma & discrimination in the community. We have reached out to 540 victims and vulnerable members of the community leading to cure, management of cases and most importantly developing a shield of prevention with good understanding on the taboo topic.