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Promotion of Agriculture Clusters

About 82% of the farm household belong to small holder category implying unsustainable practices making agriculture a subsistent practice for survival rather than a viable livelihood option. Low intensity farming practices in the absence of knowledge and skill for high intensity farming leading to low productivity. The unsustainable agriculture practices like heavy exploitation of land, water, mono cropping, chemical inputs have put these resources in danger. The agricultural land size in decreasing putting more pressure on farm field. Through generations, per capita land availability is lowering fast putting pressure on poor farmers to produce more for survival. This is leading to harmful farm practices.
IDA is committed to promote Agriculture clusters based on the paradigm that, collectivization is a key pathway for minimizing the scale disadvantages faced by small and marginal farmers to improve their bargaining power. Favourable agro-climate in highland regions of Odisha creates possibilities of round-the-year high value crops especially fruits & Vegetables. Synchronizing agricultural operations at a critical threshold level as per the market requirement will attract market actors. Creation and use of irrigation sources, Orchard development,
improved livestock rearing, farm mechanization and other livelihood assets are critical factors for doubling the farmer’s income. Sustainable and climate resilient practices of Agriculture are critical for small holders. Reconfiguring FPO arrangement and building ecosystem is critical for sustainable growth. Integrating technology as a driver for efficiency and sustainability.
Ideal Development Agency (IDA) has already last three years experience in support of Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation (BRLF), Govt. of India, New Delhi and a collaborative initiative by Department of Agriculture and Farmer’s Empowerment & Panchayat Raj & Drinking Water, Govt. of Odisha is implementing Promotion of Agriculture Production Cluster –APC project in two blocks i.e. Sadar & Jhumpura of Keonjhar district, Odisha, India . For smooth implementation of the project PRADAN is providing technical support. The Project is purely based on convergence mode with various govt. department and schemes. Deputy Director of Horticulture, Keonjhar act as a nodal officer. Our performance is well recognized by the supporting agencies and the district Administration. In this project we have done Leverage of 241.90 lakhs.
IDA also implementing the “Special Programme on Promotion of Agriculture Production Cluster (APC) in Kutra Block of Sundargarh district under DMF support.
IDA has organised 5000 plus small land holder farmers in the cluster development approach. The results are quite encouraging. The production has gone up at varying degrees along with high value crops. Robust market linkage has already yielded good margin for the small farmers. These discipline and breakthrough in income has shown positive impact on nutrition, health, education and overall standard of living. A vibrant ecosystem is created where more such small farmers are joining to improve the collective strengths at the same time reaping the benefits of entrepreneurial approach to farming.