Reaching out to the last person in the community so that everybody gets equal opportunity to lead a dignified life leading to self-sustenance and meaningful contribution to society. The deprived and defenceless sections of the society find a legitimate and strong voice heard by all and assert their rights over the resources and facilities.
The strategy is to empower mostly the mining affected community and facilitate the process of consolidating their collective strength with the community-based organisations at the grassroots level. IDA strive to bring the social transformation of changing the people from mere beneficiary mind set to entrepreneurial state so that they can ultimately become the self-drivers of the growth and positive change process. IDA as catalysts of change, kindle the latent potential of the community and harness their strength to optimally exploit the opportunities around them. In our approach, it is undeniably important that people themselves become actively involved in identifying their problems, possible solutions acceptable to them and strive for chasing their dreams.
IDA strongly believes in a holistic approach where a human centric growth is paramount for a lasting impact. The community must have access to quality food, shelter, clothes apart from quality education, health services and last but not the least access to livelihood suitable to their skill, culture and environment. Protecting and nurturing the strong value system is another important aspect where the vulnerable sections among the community get their due importance and recognition.
EQUALITY: Every member of the team is equally important and respected.
COLLECTIVE DECISION MAKING: We encourage free flow of information and giving voice to the concerns of all the groups making everyone accountable to each other.
DECENTRALIZATION: Decentralization of planning and implementation at the grassroot
levels, enabling and empowering individuals to articulate their needs.
SELF-RELIANCE: The communities strive for self-reliance where they uphold the traditional wisdom and value their resources including knowledge and skill. A lifestyle moulded on the local environment based on principles of eco-friendly, healthy and sensitive to natural resources.
AUSTERITY: Austerity in thoughts and actions, as well as a lack of barriers and levels that prevent direct interaction.
INCLUSIVE GROWTH: The growth model must be inclusive with special emphasis on vulnerable underprivileged groups.