IDA brings peace to distressed souls ...

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Ideal Development Agency (IDA)

The organization always focusing on retention of staffs and building capacity on multi-dimensional activities.

IDA (Ideal Development Agency) of development has completed 32 years of working proving it as a leading organisationin Keonjhar District in state of Odisha expanding its action to neighbouring districts like Mayurbhanj, Jajpur, Debgarh with piloting different social development actions and innovative ideas with focus to its core theme areas. It has strived to bring innovations especially in the sphere of sustainable farming and natural resource management with the target population. It has always stressed upon increased participation of the people, convergence & collaboration with other development players to make the development process imperative. It has strived to address the root causes and problem of the people enabling them to bring back their rights moving to achieve development.

Gve Donationi

Indignation and dislikemen who are so beguiled and demoral.

Gve Donationi

Indignation and dislikemen who are so beguiled and demoral.

Driven Organisation

Ideal Development Agency (IDA) is a woman driven organisation in the mining prone district of Kendujhar, Odisha, India. The presence of mines has greatly impacted the life of indigenous inhabitants who have lost their livelihoods and assets like lands.
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Mission of betterment of marginal communities

The marginal farmers have significantly improved their collective bargaining power and have been able to improve their production and marketing avenues increasing their overall income.
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Anandashrama’-an old age home with a human approach

The Ashrama gives special emphasis to old age persons both women and men who are from the economically poor families and do not get adequate support system from their immediate families and society at large.
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Thematic Areas of Intervention
The major thematic areas consciously chosen at the beginning continue to be IDA’s core domain to make the life of the neglected healthier and happier.

Thematic Areas of Intervention

We concentrate on:
  • Empowering Women with Rights and Income
  • Better Livelihoods through Sustainable Farming & Climate resilient Agriculture
  • Caring for the Aged (GERIATRIC CARE) and others neglected by families
  • Prevention of Occupational and Contagious Diseases like HIV-AIDS
  • Strengthening Skilled Self-Employment to Youth
  • Empowering CBOs & PRI for Convergence and Advocacy
  • Education for the unprivileged children though institution.


“We are delighted to our communities and Government to expand their supports in scale up our activities for the development and justice to the dis-advantaged sections of the communities in Odisha. We have completed 30 years vogue in development and faced lots of huddles and bottlenecks to cap over the problems.”

"The Year 2020-21 has been a year of intensive activities for Ideal Development Agency. Government supported Programmes like Agriculture Production Cluster and Odisha Millet Mission have made deep impact on our Farmers generating much enthusiasm, and increasing their Food and Nutrition Securities. We have also tried to grapple with the issues related to Agrarian Crisis and have tried to find out if Doubling Farmers Income is possible or not. We see a great prospect for Ecological Farming adopting various Organic Methods. Our Farmer friends have also understood the importance of such efforts and have responded by giving up chemical agriculture in many villages. Apart from Govt Projects, we have quite capable to fetch the Goal under one project supported by Kinderpostzegels. Under this project we have our goal to address the vulnerable children who have not receive adequate care and protection an live in a stable family situation, are securely attached and are developing well. IDA has faced may challenges during the year and have over them also. In the Process, IDA’s Staff, Governing Body members, many well-wishers and Donors have extended their support and solidarity. I Express my gratitude to all on behalf of IDA, Anadashram and Sai International school for making it possible to reach the poor and vulnerable groups in many tribal and rural villages of Odisha."


History of IDA


+211 456 7890

Play your part

Every 1 rupee you donate helps to someone in the world, IDA safely handover to who really needed that money.

Your donation online will ensure that the needy one receives education, healthcare as well as nutritional support through every phase of his/her young life.


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Indignation and dislikemen who are so beguiled and demoral.

Give Donation

Indignation and dislikemen who are so beguiled and demoral.
List of supported Govt. Agency/Department, Donor & CSR grant Ideal Development Agency (IDA),Banajodi,Padmapur,Keonjhar,Odisha