IDA brings peace to distressed souls ...

Strength of IDA

Staffs & Volunteers Strength of IDA

Personnel / Staff (Current status) :
A. Total number of staff – 128 No. of permanent staff – 73 (M / F) (Male-28/ Female-45)
No. of temporary staff – 55 (M -15 / F -40)
B. No. of technical / professional staffs – 45 (M :18 /F : 27)
No of Technical Staffs: 05
  1. Expert Soil and Moisture Conservation: 01
  2. Expert in Agronomy: 01
  3. Expert in Agriculture : 01
  4. Civil Engineer : 01
  5. Social Scientist : 01
No of Professional Staffs : 17
  1. Livelihood Expert : 02
  2. MSW: 08
  3. MAPMIR : 01
  4. Rural Development: 02
  5. Phd. : 01
  6. Finance : 02
  7. MIS & Documentation : 01
Others : 53
The Organization have 128 Full time and Part time staffs which also includes professional and technical staffs. Most of the team members engaged in project works and have more than minimum 5 years development experience and maximum 20 years in social development sector.
The organization always focusing on retention of staffs and building capacity on multi-dimensional activities. Besides field and managerial staffs, the IDA have 5 multi sectorial experts who are being involved in programme Monitoring, Result Based Monitoring, Project design and provide training to team for effectiveness of the project and sustainability of the organizational activities.